I created this learning resource about the various bits and pieces that are the ingredients to a component architecture. From how they can be used from the outside over how they are working internally to how they can be composed together. I presented this as a talk first at EmberIgnite (an ember mini-conference). Although I used ember as my framework of choice, the presented component architecture works across all frameworks, adjusted to their capabilities and mechanics.
Contained in this resource are the talk, the slides and a handbook – all resources are link from this blog post.
Table of contents for the topic:

The slides are available and you can watch the talk on youtube:
I’ve kept writing a handbook about the presented topic. As of today, not all presented is covered but it’s already a good resource to share: https://ember-handbook.netlify.app
There are two ways in which this handbook can evolve:
- This is (as written) a resource for in-depth content about selected topics in ember (would you contribute?) (I also had the idea of a cookbook section before there was a dedicated RFC to it, well done). I’ve also spoken to members of the ember learning team and would be happy to contribute this to the ember learning resources.
- The component architecture may stand on its own and will receive a switch to switch the syntax for various frameworks.
I’m at this point not sure what direction it will take, rest assured it is here to help the frontend community; share your thoughts about this.
Until then please enjoy and share these learning materials 🙂