Tag: figma

  • Integrate Ember with the JS Ecosystem at the Example of Theemo

    With Ember octane and in combination with recent developments such as ember-auto-import one major issue with ember is greatly fading away. Namely the integration of existing JS libraries in combination with making ember itself use standard javascript language features, most prominent to highlight are native classes over ember object.That also means it’s time to better…

  • Say Hello to Theemo – the Yordle Powered Theme Automator

    Theemo is a javascript library to automate your theme workflow by enhancing your already existing toolchain and connecting multiple tools together.I share the learnings that went into it and tell you what you can use it for. tl;dr: https://gossi.github.io/theemo Learnings Let’s do a time warp how I got here. I started project hokulea, a design…

  • Full Featured Themes in Figma

    The main motor is the idea to establish a workflow from Figma to Ember to Storybook. This article is the first in the series of three yet can be read for itself independently. Shown conventions should also serve the purpose of connecting Figma to other systems.Secondly I wanted to understand the world of design systems,…

  • From Figma to Ember to Storybook … with 2 Clicks

    An ambitious goal I set myself for the beginning of my year. I achieved it. It’s a pleasure to work in such a setup and this is a series of articles in which I share how this works. It’s made up of three posts and each of them can be read invidiually as a standalone…

  • My Experiences with Figma Plugin Development

    I randomly came across a blog post by Figma in which they explained how they built their plugin system. It’s a great read from an engineering perspective which discusses the creation of a secure sandbox. At that time I didn’t know how handy this knowledge would become for myself. It started with playing around in…